All we did was neglect !

#Enjoy my writings

Years have drifted apart,
Quite a few, 
Along with the unending struggles from afar, 
Without a clue. 

What's happening to the world outside? 
What is it, that they hide? 
Only it is everlasting, the curfew
But that too was overdue... 

Nor can I step onto the deserted ground, 
Nor after being lost, I'm ever found... 

Days after days, we fight, 
In the unfair battle against humankind, 
But what did we do, when it was earth on the line? 
Polluting it inch by inch, all for a dime.

The world itself conceded to be wrecked, 
oh! But all we did was neglect! 

We watched her suffer, 
But not a word about her pain did she mutter,
Our earth went on, helping us with what is left, 
And what did we do, for all that she caressed? 

The world itself conceded to be wrecked, 
oh! But all we did was neglect!



  1. That's deep! Enjoyed reading it, well done! Waiting to read your next poem/story :)

    1. Wow! Thanks a lot for the comment! It means a lot to me!

  2. Wonderful thoughts penned down!! Great work ;)

  3. Now that u know, stop neglecting !

    1. True! We should probably do that! Thanks for the comment 😄!

  4. Great sahana, profound thought.. Keep it up my sweet baby 😍❤

  5. Well written! Waiting for more thoughtful poems ❤


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