A small note

Summary: (I basically still am learning to write better, so I'd love to have your opinions and ideas) 

Hello there :)
It has come to a point, where I am unsure if my poems and essays are as good as those written by actual writers. 
I started this blog, to try to understand and know how my writings really impact people.
I wanted to know if my writings can reach people's hearts and minds. 
However, I still don't have a clear idea :(

I like to connect emotionally with people, so I try to write poems, that express inner thoughts, that people can't really talk about. 
 However, I am not as talented as the other writers out there... So it would be great to have your support. 

Most of my poems are my opinions and my imagination, So I would love to read through your thoughts and your unique opinions on any topics as well... 

If you need any help in setting up your own blog, or if you are stuck in a piece of writing, do reach out to me. I would try my best to help you out! 

So, thank you for looking after me on this journey of mine ^^

feel free to reach out to me 
(you can find my details on the "contact" page) 

-SSB 20 


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