I just realized...

#Enjoy my writings

#New Poem

If you can buy an artificial plant to boast with around, 
you may better plant a tree in the ground,
By doing this you can save the nature,
On which is dependent our nearest possible future...

When you enjoy the garden and its pleasant sight,
You might as well protect it by putting forth a fight,
A fight against the increasing pollution levels on the ground,
So that the plants might last longer around...

I don't think it's difficult to save our surroundings,
Cause between humans and plants there exists a bonding,
Where humans depend on plants for their survival in this world,
and these plants are requesting humans the hep they deserve...

S.sahana- 14/5/2020

# Old Poem

If you can buy a plant with plastic around,
you may better plant a tree in the ground,
By doing this you can save the nature,
Which is the nearest possible future...

You should stop building a lot of network towers,
Which stops the birds navigating work,
due to which bird life will come to a hault,
and the life cycle will be affected due to our fault...

So let's start the adventure,
To save the splendid and glorious nature,
no matter if we had missed a chance,
cause the future is always in our hands...

S.Sahana- 5th standard-2017

Thank you...
Please comment on how I have improved my poem...
and please tell your views on both the poems...


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