Why no mobile phones in school??

#Enjoy my writings

Besides the fact that cell phones are a major part of technological growth and it is very much essential in daily life, the usage of mobile phones is not highly recommended in all schools.
This is mainly because mobile phones are seen as an addiction by the parents and teachers. They believe that the limited utilization of these cell phones can prove to be very beneficial for students because it will save them a whole lot of time...

Secondly, cell phones can become a major way of cheating in exams as they can give any information in seconds. Thirdly I would point out the effect of the daily operation of mobiles on the students. They will rely more on their phones rather than their friends or teachers. I would also like to add that students might browse irrelevant information which is inappropriate for them to know at their age. 

Lastly, I would like to mention the unhealthy competition between students based on the model and the costs of different phones. A school preaches the students to take the right path, It teaches them equality, friendship, discipline, and respect. It is a place where only knowledge and manners are taught. It is sacred and promotes us to interact with others. It definitely should not be made worse by using mobile phones which can destroy the very purpose of schools.

By all these statements, I thereby conclude that the use of mobile phones is not appreciable in schools and its consumption should be limited within their home...


It is certainly not necessary to have mobile phones in childhood...
You have your parents to guide to, your teachers to help you and indeed your friends to save you!
Enjoy your life now, because even a minute of your life does not come back! 
You have your whole adulthood to enjoy the technology but during adulthood, you can not be who you are right now!

#Enjoy childhood!
#Enjoy my writings!


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