On a hot summer day..

#Enjoy my writings

Once I could recall, on a hot summer day, I had set out to the park to take the day off!
I just needed a break after exams so I decided to let my hair down for a day. All I had in my mind was to buy ice cream, sit in the park and just enjoy the beauty of nature for a change. Well, not until this strange incident happened!

While I was looking around the park, a strange scene caught my eye. Far ahead in the park, I could see an old man facing a tree and later realized that he was crying. Now I thought that he was crying because of some problem in his family or workplace, well at least that is what most of the people must have thought!  

 But why did he have to cry over that tree? What was so wrong in that tree to cry over it? I was very curious to know the actual reason and I wanted to help the old man even in the smallest way I can. So I walked towards him and directly asked him why he was so emotional on such a beautiful day!

And the reply I got was rather remarkable. He started by saying, "Listen kid, in our world, one thing which is more valuable than anything is our life. And everyone agrees with it right?". I nodded indicating a yes( I did not want to interrupt him).

 Then he continued," But does anyone value the trees that are the root reasons for our survival? Only for the wants and desires of humans, all these wonderful trees are cut down and no one seems to worry about it.". He ended with a mournful sigh.

I told him that trees are living too just like humans but the sad news is that though trees help humans in many ways I do not know why humans do not care about the well being of the trees. Although others do not seem to care much about these problems in the world, many schools and governments are popularizing the simple Idea of growing more plants...

So I told him not to worry about this problem and the old man seemed a little relaxed! I was happy that I could help someone. Well, I call this a strange incident because I mean no one really gets so emotional at some matters like these and only a warm-hearted person can have such feelings.

That was a really soul-stirring day for me! I was driven away by the thoughts of the old man for the whole day and my mind was turned into a marvelous thinking machine! Well, though I could not 'relax' that day, I enjoyed my day a lot. The only thing I am upset about is that I could not enjoy my ice cream because it melted and yes I bought a new ice cream! Of course!         


Though this has been discussed in many forms, I wanted to discuss about the reducing number of trees all around the world through my essays!

Please leave your views about my essay and what you think I wanted to depict in the comments below!

Thank you!!


  1. Very well written and you should pursue this hobby as I can see a birth of a professional writer... keep writing....

    1. I will surely keep writing... Thank you for your comments


  2. Hmm really Impressed.Keep me updated.


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