An autobiography: Popularity

#Enjoy my writings

'Popularity is not an indication of quality and behavior' is what my essay is all about. I do not actually understand, why are we judged on our popularity? Doesn't the talents and quality of people
make them honorable enough to be respected? Well, many others are respected for their talents and qualities. why, am I not capable enough to be respected? 

Such were the thoughts I had During high school. Consequently, I fell into the hole of lack of confidence. I failed to believe in myself that I can achieve far more than what I think I can. First and foremost let me introduce myself. I am Kelly Cooper, a mathematics professor at Harvard University, a very passionate writer and an unbelievable book worm. I love reading inspirational books. Though I am successful in life now, the same was not the case during my days in high school.

During school days, I was definitely not popular by any means. I was indeed good at studies, but I was struggling to score above 96% whereas other students got up to 99%!
In sports, I did not take a stand in anything except taekwondo whereas other students were fast runners, awesome players, etc, etc. You could not say that I was not interested in sports because I loved participating in every game and I was surely not the worst player! 

When it comes to friends, well I only had a group of friends. I did not like to socialize in the classroom much and I feel left out all the time! Despite all this going on, I was not upset or frown. I just believed that I am popular enough if my friends liked me! I sometimes feel that those who are popular become overconfident howsoever under confident a normal student might be!

I literally struggled every day in class. I could not manage to present my opinions boldly before others. I would get really nervous when it comes to public speaking because I did not like other students judging me. Well, I later understood that there are millions of people in this world and if you react to each one's opinion, then you would end up being useless. Then and there I gave up on all my hesitations and here I am a successful person in life.

All you need to do is believe in yourself. It does not matter what others think about you, Just go ahead and follow your dreams and believe that you can achieve more...

S. Sahana
Please comment on my posts so that I can improve.


  1. Great work .
    Really wonderful you are on right path with your perfect mentor (your mom)

    Definitely one day you can be on biggest platform.

    1. Thank you so much uncle
      My mom is indeed my perfect mentor!!

  2. Was any one of you popular in highschool??
    Just asking...


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